Case Study: How Cint’s platform and API freed up 33% of time spent on manual processes for Conjointly

Case Studies
Market Research
Powered by Cint

Nik Samoylov is the Founder at Conjointly, a platform for conjoint analysis, a technique of discrete choice experimentation that helps brands and researchers understand the trade-offs people make between options when people buy products. 

Founded in 2016, Conjointly has since expanded into other research techniques such as Van Westendorp, Gabor-Granger, claims testing, and general survey functionality requested by customers. They work directly with brands and research agencies to dive into the granular details of brand campaigns. 


Back in 2016 when Conjointly started, they were looking for a partner who could provide an extensive breadth of respondent qualifications. They needed to access niche respondents in large markets like the US and UK, as well as harder to reach countries like the Czech Republic. 

Additionally, they were seeking a partner who would match their requirements for cost, speed and quality.


Cint provided the capabilities for in-depth profiling. The platform allowed Conjointly to target niche audiences via different profiling variables, the option to then select the right variables, and confidence that those people really existed and were within reach.  



Through communication with the Cint team, it was clear that Cint cared about interviewing real people, in the right location, with the right profiling.

“We have seen with Cint very steady reduction in low quality responses being flagged, around 11% reduction in the number of low quality completes. So there is something that the Cint team is doing in the background, just weeding out bad actors, bots, click farms, and all those nasty things, that has really helped with improvement in quality, especially recently.”

Cint also has the ability to immediately exclude respondents early into the survey if they are deemed as not serious participants, which is a solid functionality for Conjointly.

Lastly, a recent implementation which involves the ability for respondents to record videos of themselves to answer survey questions, was reassuring to Nik and the team.

“If we target old male Canadians, when we watch the videos, we see old male Canadians. And that was a moment of truth for us, that before that we only looked at their responses. And with the videos we can see, “Okay, this is real, these are real people.” So I have only good things to say about the approach that Cint takes to quality vetting, and the quality assurance process.”

2. Streamlining

Cint offers one central point where different panels can be accessed, saving time and cost of communicating with separate individual providers. “If Cint didn’t exist, we would have more people working on fieldwork, because we would have to deal with many more panel providers. It’s fantastic that there is a company like Cint in the research industry that helps streamline the process.” 

3. Cost savings

In 2023, Conjointly introduced self-serve sample A, which is a wrapper for Cint’s API, enabling price-conscious customers to still do research at scale. Thanks to Cint’s cost-competitive price, Conjointly was able to pass on the savings directly to their customers, which resulted in an uptick of adoption. 

Cint’s API is so cost-competitive, we were able to offer really good rates on that to our customers who want to execute their fieldwork themselves, choose their targeting, choose their bid, and so on. And we’ve seen a steady increase in adoption of self-serve sample A, or Cint’s API. That really helps them do research at scale, and still be within their budget.”


Compared to traditional panel houses, which have a highly manual process involving sending an email and waiting for a response, Cint provided a seamless platform and API integrations which led to faster research execution for Conjointly clients. Data is collected quickly, leaving the Conjointly team with more time for analysis and exploring additional features on the platform. 

This resulted in Cint saving up to 33% in time typically spent on manual processes, freeing valuable time for the Conjointly team to improve productivity in other areas of their business.